Wednesday, January 07, 2009

On the Last Day of Christmas...One Busted Blogger

Could this happen to anyone, as the man claims?

I tend to doubt it. Perhaps he needs to consult a neurologist if his memories are that disorganized.


Kay Dennison said...


Dana said...

I do think plagerism is rampant on the internet - I think some bloggers don't even know what they are doing is wrong - but to claim that you somehow forgot this wasn't your memory but one you plagerized from someone else? Not even a good story!

Dusty said...

No no, this could absolutely happen! I was just telling myself the other day, "I won't think about that now. I'll think about something else. After all, tomorrow is another day!" It was just after Rhett had left for the last time, and . . . wait . . .
That was me, wasn't it?


Maybe this is a sign of the collective unconscious, that we all share a common bank of memories.