Monday, March 30, 2009

Yeah, Things COULD Be Worse, Actually...

This was from one of my favorite sites: Not Always Right: Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes.

“When you’re 85 years old and you wake up with a pulse, and your next door neighbor isn’t hitting you over the head with a shovel, you’re having a good day.”


PersonalFailure said...

I once became so annoyed with my niece's incessant whingeing (normal for her age, but still), that I declared a new standard: If you're not on fire, you can't complain.

It's served me well.

(There's also a corollary to this: If it's not on fire, don't wake me up.)

Kay Dennison said...

LOL!!!!! How true!!!!

Rose said...

lol ...sad and yet funny!!